Tuesday 24 January 2023

Application security Q&A


  1. What is SQL injection and how can it be prevented? Answer: SQL injection is a type of injection attack in which an attacker is able to execute malicious SQL code in a web application's database by injecting it into a form field or other user input. To prevent SQL injection, input validation and prepared statements should be used.
  2. What is cross-site scripting (XSS) and how can it be prevented? Answer: XSS is a type of injection attack in which an attacker injects malicious code into a web page viewed by other users. To prevent XSS, input validation and escaping should be used, and a Content Security Policy (CSP) can be implemented.
  3. What is a session hijacking attack and how can it be prevented? Answer: A session hijacking attack occurs when an attacker is able to take over a user's session by stealing their session cookie. To prevent session hijacking, session cookies should be properly protected with secure flags and the HttpOnly attribute, and session IDs should be regenerated after login.
  4. What is a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack and how can it be prevented? Answer: A CSRF attack occurs when an attacker tricks a user into performing an action on a website without their knowledge or consent. To prevent CSRF, a CSRF token should be used to verify that the request is coming from a legitimate source.
  5. What is a security misconfiguration and how can it be prevented? Answer: Security misconfiguration occurs when an application or server is not properly configured, which can lead to vulnerabilities. To prevent security misconfiguration, applications and servers should be configured securely and updated regularly, and unnecessary services should be disabled.
  6. What is encryption and why is it important? Answer: Encryption is the process of converting plaintext into ciphertext to protect it from unauthorized access. It is important because it ensures the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data.
  7. What is a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack and how can it be prevented? Answer: A MITM attack occurs when an attacker intercepts and alters communication between two parties. To prevent MITM, secure protocols such as HTTPS and SSL/TLS should be used and certificate validation should be implemented.
  8. What is a directory traversal attack and how can it be prevented? Answer: A directory traversal attack occurs when an attacker is able to access files and directories outside of the intended web root by manipulating the file path in a URL. To prevent directory traversal, input validation and filtering should be used on all file paths.
  9. What is a denial of service (DoS) attack and how can it be prevented? Answer: A DoS attack occurs when an attacker floods a website or network with traffic to make it unavailable to legitimate users. To prevent DoS, network and application-level defenses can be implemented, such as rate limiting and traffic shaping.
  10. How can sensitive data leakage be prevented? Answer: To prevent sensitive data leakage, data should be properly encrypted and protected, access controls should be implemented, and data should be regularly monitored for unauthorized access or exfiltration.
  1. What is a Injection flaw and how can it be prevented? Answer: Injection flaws occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query. It can be prevented by using prepared statements, parameterized queries, and stored procedures.
  2. What is a broken authentication and session management vulnerability and how can it be prevented? Answer: These vulnerabilities occur when an application's authentication and session management mechanisms are improperly implemented. It can be prevented by using strong and unique session IDs, implementing proper password policies, and regularly monitoring and logging all authentication attempts.
  3. What is a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability and how can it be prevented? Answer: XSS is a type of injection attack in which an attacker injects malicious code into a web page viewed by other users. To prevent XSS, input validation and escaping should be used, and a Content Security Policy (CSP) can be implemented.
  4. What is a broken access control vulnerability and how can it be prevented? Answer: These vulnerabilities occur when an application fails to properly restrict access to resources. It can be prevented by implementing proper access controls, regularly monitoring and logging user activities, and disabling or removing unnecessary accounts.
  5. What is a security misconfiguration vulnerability and how can it be prevented? Answer: Security misconfiguration occurs when an application or server is not properly configured, which can lead to vulnerabilities. To prevent security misconfiguration, applications and servers should be configured securely and updated regularly, and unnecessary services should be disabled.
  6. What is a sensitive data disclosure vulnerability and how can it be prevented? Answer: This risk occurs when sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or personal details is improperly protected. It can be prevented by using strong encryption and implementing proper access controls, monitoring and logging access to sensitive data.
  7. What is a insufficient cryptography vulnerability and how can it be prevented? Answer: This risk occurs when an application does not use strong enough cryptography to protect sensitive information. It can be prevented by using strong encryption algorithms, long keys, and proper certificate validation.
  8. What is a Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards vulnerability and how can it be prevented? Answer: This risk occurs when an application accepts untrusted input that could be used to redirect or forward a user to an untrusted site. It can be prevented by properly validating all redirects and forwards, and by not using user-provided data in redirects or forwards.
  9. What is a Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities vulnerability and how can it be prevented? Answer: This risk occurs when an application uses third-party libraries or components that have known vulnerabilities. It can be prevented by regularly updating and patching all components and libraries, and by regularly monitoring for new vulnerabilities.
  10. What is a Failure to Restrict URL Access vulnerability and how can it be prevented? Answer: This risk occurs when an application fails to properly restrict access to sensitive resources. It can be prevented by implementing proper access controls, regularly monitoring and logging user activities, and disabling or removing unnecessary accounts.


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